Saturday, September 1, 2012

I've been really busy since the last post with work and a bunch of other things, but mainly planning an engine swap :D.  After a couple months of reading and weighing options, I ended up with a LS1/T56 dropout of a 2002 Camaro with 38k miles.  BMW motors are beautiful for what they are, but if you want to make serious power it is simply not cost effective to build one up unless you do F/I, which I did not want to do.  And they're still gutless below 3500 rpm.  So I'll be dropping the V8 in instead.  Well not really "dropping it in" - going to need custom motor mounts, trans mounts, headers, driveshaft, full exhaust, hydraulic and electrical integration, and much more.  More to come on this as the swap progresses.

But the motor is supposed to be getting delivered on Tuesday, so I spent the day today cleaning up the garage and making a cart to move it around on once I receive it.

couple of 2x4s, plywood top with (4) 250lb capacity 4" casters from the high-performance section at Lowe's.  I just screwed everything together so I could take it apart and reconfigure it as needed during the build process (transmission stand, etc).  2 swivel casters up front, 2 fixed casters in the rear.  Bolted through the lumber.

Looking at this now I may decide to add diagonal bracing in the two boxed sections to further support the plywood, as its only 1/2" thick.

I added a rope onto the front of it as a means of pulling it around.   A small piece of pipe is being used as a handle.  Additional features will likely be added on top once I get the engine to prevent it from rolling off either side.

For shits and gigs - "GMW".  Turned out a lot shittier compared to what I had in my mind haha, but my jimmies remain unrustled.  I'm no graffiti artist.

Hopefully much more to come.

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