I spent a little time today thinking about how I'm going to mount/enclose the coils packs since I won't be mounting them to the engine.
Disassembled from the coil mounting bracket. I also stripped all the electric tape off of the harness as I'll be needing to rebuild it. Should serve as good practice on a smaller scale for the eventual cleanup/reconstruction of the engine harness.
How I'm thinking of mounting them. Should give me the most straight forward/compact mounting that I can think of at the moment - a 7" x 3.75"x 4" sheet metal box should be big enough. The only concern here is that the coils are now pretty close to each other and also close to what would be the floor of the box, so arcing becomes a legitimate concern. I will likely spray them with some electrical varnish / epoxy to properly insulate them and have the sheet metal powdercoated to mitigate the risk.
Just a shot to show the potential for space savings as compared to the stock bracket. I don't know how much room I 'm going to have left over after the engine's in, particularly on the driver's side.
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